- Love is not a prison.
- It’s not butterflies in your stomach. That’s just chemistry.
- Love isn’t blind; it sees but chooses not to make a fuss.
- Love isn’t yesterday’s offenses brought forward to support today’s argument.
- It doesn’t slam doors or smash things. Call insanity by its name lest it be mistaken for something else.
- Love is not convenient. You’ll be fighting your sense of self-preservation regularly.
- Love isn’t deceptive, not even by omission.
- Love doesn’t pick days to be love.
- It doesn’t steal your joy or stifle your peace.
- Love isn’t bent on having the last word. That’s arrogance, and love isn’t arrogant.
- Love does not hate itself.
- Love doesn’t ask, “What can you do for me?”
- Love won’t see a need it can meet and look the other way.
- Love doesn’t make excuses (for mistakes).
- Love never leaves you feeling hollow.
- Love does not abuse.
- It doesn’t hide things.
- Love won’t try to win you over with gifts while holding back the best of itself.
- Love is not confusing.
- Love is not a game.
Thank you for reading this. Do you need more love? Check out my video.