It’s a common misperception that couples workshops involve airing out all your dirty laundry and private relationship matters in front of strangers. Our well-designed, proven-effective couples workshops are quite the opposite – they focus on teaching constructive communication and relationship skills and leave the details of your unique issues appropriately private.
The Getting the Love You Want couples weekend workshop create a safe, judgement-free environment for you to practice communication techniques and get insights from the instructors and other couples who can relate to general relationship challenges.They do not require divulging any of your intimate problems with others in the group.
The priority is equipping you and your partner with cutting-edge, proven effective, relationship skills and tools that you can continue using long after the workshop ends. You might share broad themes like wanting more quality time together or more affection. But you won’t be put on the spot to disclose anything too personal or embarrassing.
The goal is to send you home feeling closer and connected, with greater understanding and a roadmap for actively strengthening your bond. You’ll gain inspiration from other committed and married couples without having to publicly analyze your deepest troubles. With our professional guidance, you’ll be doing the meaningful work together in private.
So don’t let fear of overexposure stop you from registering for an uplifting couples weekend workshop. When facilitated skillfully, they create connections through shared growth and learning. With the right boundaries, you’ll come away with insights, not added stress. The workshop space is meant for healing and hope, not airing dirty laundry.
This Valentine’s shift your love from ordinary to extraordinary. We can’t wait for you to witness the magic that happens in the Getting the Love You Want Couples Weekend workshop.
With excitement,
Paula M. Smith, Ph.D., M.Div. & Yael Bat-Shimon, MA, LMHC, Certified Imago Therapists and Workshop Presenters