I ran into someone the other day at coffee shop who attended an “Art and Power of Connection Workshop” with her partner a few years ago. She stopped me and asked if I remembered her. I told her she seemed familiar but that I was sorry I could not place her. She reminded me that she and her husband had attended my workshop and she wanted to thank me for saving her marriage. I was a little uncomfortable because I know I did not save her marriage. Not even close. Still, she seemed intent on thanking me.
What I realized as I said good-bye was that it was the workshop that had saved her marriage.
She said that coming to the workshop was a last ditch effort for them. She also shared with me that her husband had no interest in attending before they came and she had said that if he didn’t attend she would leave him. After many years of unhappiness and poor patterns of communication, she was “done”.
This is a very common experience for many couples and too many wait until it is almost too late to attend. This puzzles me. Why would people wait until it is almost too late to learn relationship tools that could make their lives together more meaningful? Don’t people want to be happy? Why do people avoid attending, thinking that a couples workshop is not for them?
I believe the one word answer to this is FEAR. People are afraid because they may think it will make things worse or that they will have to air their dirty laundry in a group situation. Both of these fears are completely untrue however, I understand it and it makes sense that people might think this way.
One thing that the woman told me at the grocery store was that her husband said he wished he hadn’t been so stubborn and would have attended the workshop earlier as it was one of the most positive things he’s ever done. That’s a big confession from someone who almost lost his marriage!
And this was such a revelation to me. I don’t really know what happens to a lot of people after they complete the workshop if they don’t keep in touch. So hearing from this woman put into perspective how powerfully positive it can be.
If you or someone you know wants to positively transform their relationship tell them to come to a Art and Power of Connection workshop. This workshop is based in IMAGO Relationship Theory and therapy and offers couples concrete, practical skills to grow their relationship. Sometimes we don’t know how something can change our lives until we actually do it.
The next workshop is Saturday, September 9, 2017. Click the link below to pay for the workshop. Once I receive you payment I will contact you to complete the registration process.