Emotional Abandonment, the Silent Killer in Relationships – The Antidote
The most basic way to regulate difficult emotions in love relationships is to share them. Contrary to what we’ve been taught, emotion is not selfish, nor is it a corrupting force that inevitably leads to destruction. Emotion is not sinful. We’ve now learned that emotion is, in fact, the foundation of key elements in society, including morality and empathy. To feel for someone is the root of compassionate and caring action.
But we have to take responsibility for our emotional life. Emotion is also contagious; we literally “catch” each other’s sentiments and we feel what the other person is feeling. This is the basis of empathy. I write this to validate the experience of anyone who feels alone or desperate in a relationship, but can’t find the words for why. Remember this: It is emotion that turns objects into mementoes, events into a phenomenon, and a person into the love of your life.
Call to Action!
Go home inside yourself … what do you feel right now? Can you put words to your emotions? If you have experienced or are experiencing emotional abandonment in relationships, ask who is emotionally abandoning whom? Emotional abandonment doesn’t start in adulthood, but it does comes to the forefront in adult relationships.
Love & peace,