Donald Trump has started, as promised, his mass deportation exercises. They are kicking people out of the country left, right and center. They kicking in doors and letting folks know you are not wanted here. He’s getting on with the Whitening of America because that’s what he said he was going to do. And he’s going to make a big show of it. I don’t watch the news, but from what we’ve witnessed recently, the corporate news cowards will lie and white-wash the mass pain.
There are a lot of us who’ve been in the U.S. for generations and generations, and we have mixed feelings about these deportations because when folks come here from other parts of the world, one of the first things they to do is turn their noses up on Black people. They are quick to distinguish themselves from American Black people, and regardless of how bad things get for them, once they get here, they always think they a step above Black people. Folks from other parts of the world are vetted before they come to the U.S. and the message is–don’t even fuck with Black people. Black people are dangerous criminals, lazy, unintelligent, and other crazy ass stereotypes. I’m not saying this about all immigrants, I get it that they are trying to survive in a structurally racist society, a color caste system that delivers the greatest benefits to those who are White.
But here’s the deal. The U.S. Government knows what it’s going to do, and the goal is Whitening the country. But this leaves a different problem for Trump and the Republicans. What are they going to do with the Black folks who they can’t deport? There are about 40 million American-born Black people in this country, who I refer to as foundational Black Americans. What are they going to do with those of us who they cannot deport? I’ll tell you, they are going to make our lives miserable for the next four f*cking years. They’re already stripping away Civil Rights that we fought for during the 1960’s. I guess Byron Donalds (with his coon ass) will get his Jim Crow moment that he talked about. He will be happy because we’ll be back in Jim Crow—pre-Civil Rights. Trump can’t figure out (yet) how to set us back to 1955 where we were sitting in the back of the bus and stepping aside to let White folks walk through.
Byron Donalds is a 2nd generation Jamaican brother who has no ties to the blood and soil of this country like Black Americans like myself. If he knew what it was like to live in the South he would not have said “Jim Crow was better.” I was born in the South. My momma and my daddy are Black. My grandmother and grandfather are Black. My great-grandmother and my great-grandfather came to the U.S. on a Dutch slave ship and settled in Mississippi in the late 1800’s.
If you knew the history of this country you would not be saying all the ignorant sh*t like Byron Donalds. But White people know, which is why they fight so hard to suppress Black History. And this is why you Byron Donalds, don’t have a job in the White House. Trump don’t want Black people around him.
Now check this out. Trump has pardoned of all the violent White men, White men who form militias; those who ran up into the Capitol building and tore it up, who piss and shit all over the place; those White-Supremacist, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers type sh*t. He let them go, granted them pardons, while simultaneously stripping Black folks of our rights as citizens. I don’t know about you, but it pisses me off and we got to be very, very, very wary of this kind of shit. Making it normal for White men to just kill us while riding a subway, jogging, or putting gas in our car—and they WILL get away with this with no impunity. Trump makes them heroes. This is where we are.
So what are we Black people going to do?
We’re going to do what we’ve always done. We’re going to put steel in our spine and we’re going to stand up to them. But we’re going to do it differently this time. We are not going to make these grandiose displays of our personal protection devices that we keep in our houses and vehicles. We’re not going to burn down Black towns, Black cities and Black neighborhoods like we did back in the day. It ain’t gonna be like that. We’re also not going to be soft targets. But saying this does make me wonder, I mean the way things are going now, how are Black law enforcement going to feel when they are asked to suppress their own uncles and aunties and cousins and brothers and sisters who are in the street protesting police Injustice because this is what’s going to happen? How are the Black officers going to feel when they are asked to fire on their own people? Will they do it? How are Black soldiers going to react when they are asked to fire on their people? I say this because the streets will fill up. Folks think Donald Trump is playing, but making America great again means making America White again and the Black people that he can’t deport, he will suppress.
I remember when they were talking about looking for “Black extremists” in 2017 and 2018. This quest has not ended. They watch our social media, they are looking for the red, black and green flags. They listen for buzz words or code words; they are always watching Black people because they have this pathological f*cking obsession with us and when we start to say certain things they start paying close attention.
They’re already trying to run us out of the workforce with ending DEI. They say this twisted sick thing that DEI is discriminating against White people. This is nonsense. Reverse discrimination, my ass. White folks own 90% of everything in this country and it’s not enough. They run the White House, the Senate, the Congress and the Supreme Court and now they want to roll the country back to1955.
And I think those with the power to stop it are going to lay down and let it happen. By the time these mutha fuckers leave office, this country will be tore up in a way that the rest of the world will want nothing to do with America. America will be a depressed little Empire that nobody will want anything to do with and that people inside the Empire (I may be gone by then) will be the most miserable people on Earth.
They’ll probably be fed a constant stream of sh*t telling them they’re living in the greatest country in the world, when the opposite is true. That’s where this is headed. An old rusty goddam relic of a country where nobody wants to upgrade anything serious like the education system, or upgrade the infrastructure, roads and bridges and no one wants to do any major projects, they just want to hate.
Donald Trump made it back to the White House and all they talk about is hate and destruction, killing, war and money—nothing about progress, people, rebuilding and putting money into schools. They just want to increase the military budget, increase the budget for cops, for the Coast Guard, money for weapons for guns—money for killing machines. But Black people, especially those of us they cannot deport, they want to just beat us down into the dirt. It will get a lot worse before it gets better because folks will be in the streets resisting this sh*t by the Summer.
I’m going to end now, like I said earlier, don’t let yourself become a soft target. Stay strong and pray.
Dr. Paula