Is your love life up and down? Are you asking for what you want and need?
As I transform the places where I felt too unworthy to ask for what I needed and didn’t feel I even had the right to ask, now I open my heart and ask. Asking for what I need is as important to me as breathing and eating.
I’ve had several clients who either work with me privately or as a couple with this very same issue. You’re not alone and shifts are totally possible.
This issue reminds me of a conversation I might have to support you.
First notice where you may be feeling angry, resentful, lonely, blaming, even scared, hopeless… any place where you’re not totally open in your heart.
Secondly, cease all judgment and let it be OKAY that you feel this way. Acknowledge, even welcome how you’re feeling.
Notice, when you do this, if you loosen, relax and soften slightly.
Third, bring all these feelings into consciousness, in a message that’s FOR you, it wants the best for you. Listen to hear what it is trying to communicate to you.
Write it down.
The message might be about your deep longing, about your fears; it might be a new lesson or healing opportunity.
Perhaps it’s more of an invitation to be quiet or to see who you can become, awakening, compassion, kindness and empathy within.
If nothing changes or things get worse, ask for help. Call me to guide you into potent action steps, healing conversations, to reconnect you in intimacy and love.
Remember great opportunities are coming all the time.
Yours Truly Loving Out Loud,