Since the 2024 election results rolled in on November 6th, I have heard many women express feelings of shock, despair, powerlessness and anger. Not only have we seen, for the first time in US history, a constitutional right taken from us—we have also watched as a collection of male sexual predators, misogynists, racists and bullies has been selected to fill the highest positions of power in the country. For some women, this reality has reopened trauma and old wounds, leaving them feeling vulnerable and scared. They ask, “How will I manage to get through this? What will I tell my daughters?”
The exhaustion is real. It comes from constantly having to justify our experiences, defend our choices, and prove our competence. It comes from being told we’re “too emotional” when we express anger, “too aggressive” when we show ambition, “too sensitive” when we call out discrimination. It comes from the mental load of navigating spaces where our voices and experiences are routinely dismissed or devalued.
But I think this moment in history is asking us to come together, to bring the best of ourselves to the table—our voices, our talents, our unique ways of seeing and understanding the world. This is not a time to get stuck in despair—it is a time to heal together and to get free of all that holds us back.
Throughout history, women have found strength and solace in coming together, sharing their stories, and supporting each other. When we gather, something powerful happens. Individual experiences of frustration and pain transform into collective wisdom and strength. Personal stories become catalysts for change.
This is why creating spaces for women to connect is so vital. Judith and I have been facilitating the Transformation for Women Group for more than a decade. We have witnessed the power of women finding their power and their voices together, letting go of old stories that no longer serve them, and deepening their relationships with those they love. When women come together, we don’t just share our pain – we transform it into purpose, our challenges into change, our individual voices into a collective force for transformation.
We invite you to join us for the Women’s Transformation Group
Your story matters. Your feelings are valid. Your strength is needed. And most importantly, you are not alone in this journey.
Join our tribe.
This is a twelve-week in-person group for women, focusing on honoring our journeys, sharing our stories, and shining some light on the dance between our spirituality and our sexuality. Issues we may explore are:
- We explore the tension between the woman we present to the world and our fantasy woman.
- We discover the sacred space between being a doormat and being a “bitch”.
- We enjoy the magic and empowerment of being with a community of women.
- We discover our self-imposed limitations and expand our awareness of our own possibilities.
- We explore social justice issues of equity, fairness, identity and empathy from a feminist perspective.
Date: Tuesdays, February 2025
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm (must attend all 12 sessions)
Cost: $60.00 per session
Facilitators: Judith H. Clarke, M.Ed., LMHC
Paula M. Smith, Ph.D.
For more information call: 401-447-6533 (Judith) or 401-782-7899 (Paula)
To Register: Send a $35.00 registration fee to the above address along with your name, address, and telephone or online via Venmo Judith-Clarke-5. Upon receiving your registration, you will be called for an interview before entering the group.