You crossed my boundaries!

It happens easily! Unconsciously and unintentionally we cross over the no-s0-visible boundary-lines with our partners, friends, colleagues, and children because we are not thinking. We are on automatic pilot, distracted, angry, sad, scared, tired or tense and before we know it, we’ve said something or done something that dishonors both of us. These painful slips…

Getting out of the marriage out of the question?

We adults reenact traumatic episodes from our past just like children reenact them in play therapy. Instead of using dolls and sand trays to re-create the family dramas that harmed us, we use ourselves, our partners/spouses, and our children. The reenactment dramas that we create are unconscious efforts to communicate our hurts, and express buried grief.…

“Imago Dialogue is Emotional Toilet Training for Adults”

We all agree now that the key to lasting relationships is respectful communication. However, the significant role that boundaries or “personal space” plays in discussions, decision-making, fighting, making-up and all other aspects of couples’ lives is not always understood. Physical boundaries are obvious because our bodies are separate from others’ bodies. But emotional, mental and spiritual…