Valentines’s Workshop for Couples

  The Alchemy of Love and Relationships is a day-long workshop especially designed to assist couples to deepen the intimacy in their relationship by using positive communication skills. Couples will also learn the skills to reignite, reclaim and nurture the love,passion and excitement that drew you together in the first place.   For More Information…

Loving Out Loud?

The more we become willing to communicate and ask for what we want the more we are capable of “Loving Out Loud.” I remember when it first happened. I’d been married eleven months and had been up most of the night worrying about school and all the money I was borrowing to pursue a career…

Communicating Successfully

Good communication is the foundation of successful relationships. This is also true in both our personal and professional lives. More than telling our partners how much we love them, we also communicate non-verbally. Have you ever noticed how someone is feeling without their ever saying a word? When I was growing up, I noticed immediately…

Anger & Conflict

A sign of healthy conflict is that it makes you both feel like have discovered something—that you know one another better. Contrary to popular myths, no relationship is without conflict. We get into conflict typically because we think and feel differently about things. A relationship is only as good as the conflict it can hold.…

Thoughts on Being Single

Over the weekend I spoke with a friend who really wants to be in a relationship, but often finds herself in a lot of passionate but stormy relationships. She is attractive and tends to believe that her sexuality is all she has to offer. But once she’s slept with someone, she feels she’s satisfied her…

Thoughts on Being Single

Over the weekend I spoke with a friend who really wants to be in a relationship, but often finds herself in a lot of passionate but stormy relationships. She is attractive and tends to believe that her sexuality is all she has to offer. But once she’s slept with someone, she feels she’s satisfied her…