Are Systemic Breakdowns Straining Our Relationships? Healing Mistrust in Politics and Partnerships Through Dialogue and Critical Thinking

Folks, we are living in a polarized era sautéed with suspicion. You and I not only know this, we feel it — everyday. It can be difficult to discern the true from the false, and the energy it takes to do the daily mental calisthenics of fact and motive checking is colossal. While political polarization and divides…

Threats, Ultimatums & Ending Relationships Where There is Infidelity – Part I

When someone gives an ultimatum in the relational context it is a demand that one person makes to another for that person to “do something” or “not do something.” An ultimatum has a consequence that is implied. When we make demands of our partners, they almost always fail. It is an attempt to try and…

Emotional Sobriety and Relationships: The Elephant in the Living Room

Do you sometimes have trouble seeing how your behavior impacts others? Do you rage at your partner and after you calm down apologize and brush it off by saying, “That was my alcoholic/addict behavior?” Do you have trouble communicating your fears, disappointments and desires to your partner? Do you obsess about your ex-partner’s and your…