He gets voicemails from other women

I have recently gotten engaged after 4 years together with my boyfriend.  I am happy, but I’ve found certain things that I think are inappropriate in a relationship.  I’ve heard his voicemails and some have been other women.  I don’t usually jump to conclusions, but now that I am engaged, I seem to take the…

Trust the Process

Our society is in the midst of an emotional meltdown.  We are restless, irritable, fearful, frustrated and our tempers are about to blow. None of this is how we want our lives to be, but our pressure cooker society has pushed us to the emotional limit. We deserve relief from getting tormented by daily stress. …

For the New Year Create a Sanctuary [VIDEO]

Hello Friends! It’s time to make 2018 a year to Reimagine Relationships! New Year’s resolutions are ultimately about our relationship with ourselves and with others. Is improving your relationship on your list of New Year’s resolutions, but you don’t know how to make that happen? What if the relationship you have with yourself is the…

Emotional Sobriety and Relationships: The Elephant in the Living Room

Do you sometimes have trouble seeing how your behavior impacts others? Do you rage at your partner and after you calm down apologize and brush it off by saying, “That was my alcoholic/addict behavior?” Do you have trouble communicating your fears, disappointments and desires to your partner? Do you obsess about your ex-partner’s and your…