For the New Year Create a Sanctuary [VIDEO]

Hello Friends! It’s time to make 2018 a year to Reimagine Relationships! New Year’s resolutions are ultimately about our relationship with ourselves and with others. Is improving your relationship on your list of New Year’s resolutions, but you don’t know how to make that happen? What if the relationship you have with yourself is the…

Emotional Sobriety and Relationships: The Elephant in the Living Room

Do you sometimes have trouble seeing how your behavior impacts others? Do you rage at your partner and after you calm down apologize and brush it off by saying, “That was my alcoholic/addict behavior?” Do you have trouble communicating your fears, disappointments and desires to your partner? Do you obsess about your ex-partner’s and your…

Stage II Recovery: Healing and Relationships

There is almost no bigger challenge in recovery than being married or in a committed relationship. I say this having worked in the field of mental health and addiction recovery for many years. During that time I have come across hundreds of recovering addicts and non-alcoholics who have struggled to maintain a loving relationship. From…