I want to thank you—for all the support and belief you’ve shown me this year. It has meant the world to me and I deeply appreciate you. I am feeling extraordinarily grateful to be able to share my thoughts, fears, successes, confusion and other exciting experiences with you.
It’s been a hard year! We’ve seen hearts break over and over again, and we’ve watched friends and people we love struggle through a lot of life and relationship situations. I recently went through a deep personal loss, the loss of my father/friend Reggie.
We’ve also seen horrific, evil things happen—the undermining of our democracy, thousands of children put in cages, blatant racism, sexism, hatred, as well as violence and discrimination against our beloved LGBTQ. We continue to see the mass shootings, the unearthing of deception, betrayal, lies, and criminal investigations hovering over the President.
I am, however … feeling the love and joy. And I am also conscious of the loneliness, grief, fear, anger, disappointment, hurt and rejection that some of us are feeling during this time of the year.
I see the world challenging us to work hard, to give and give, and do more than try to make a difference. I see it as a challenge for us to be better, and better and better. To practice humility, empathy and curiosity and help others to be better.
I can’t help but to focus on the family this time of year. The Holidays aren’t just a celebration of light, they’re a celebration of love.
So what happens when Christmas comes to those who are hurting? Christmas can be painful for many–a time when joy is hard to hold on to and peace seems unattainable. Our world can feel dark and cold, not just because it’s winter. We long for our hearts to be mended and wounds to be healed, but Christmas reminds us that there is hope outside of ourselves, outside of our brokenness.
This Christmas, let’s remember the youth kicked out of their homes for being different. Remember the elderly. Remember the lonely. Remember the shunned. Remember those who have lost loved ones. Seek them out. They aren’t likely to ask us for help. They might even be embarrassed for people to know that they feel lonely, hurt and depressed during this season.
I don’t know what 2019 will bring. Maybe more of the same, maybe worse, possibility better. I’ll bring my share of love and hope because it brings meaning, purpose, and hope to my life and to those whom I love.
I also know that I will not be alone in this; I know that there are people out there. Courageous people, Beautiful people, Hopeful people, Defiant people, who are too stubborn to give in or quit doing everything in their power to make a difference in these spiritually impoverished times.
Happy Holidays folks! Here’s to Love and Hope.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, if you celebrate Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy holiday season if you don’t. Many blessings and peace in the New Year!
Blessings …