The Shift from Parallel Monologues to Being Dialogical

Being Dialogical is a shared exchange between two people. Through Dialogue we share with another. In parallel Monologues both people are talking/sharing and no one is listening. In Monologues the goal is competing, winning, controlling, dominating and the outcome is usually conflict and polarization. In Dialogue and being Dialogical both people take turns talking and…

Invalidation Comes From “Fear of Difference”

Many of us struggle with Validation and/or Validating others because we have a  “Fear of Difference.” The fear comes from: The belief that there is a RIGHT way of seeing, describing, understanding, and valuing everything – i.e what is going on. The limited capacity to be aware that others are different, or to respect, appreciate, or…

Making Amends for the Pain I Caused

The formula for a successful amends is to listen to our partner’s grievances with an open and courageous heart. It is not time to argue if their “reality” is correct or if their feelings are justified. It is a time to be humble, to deeply listen and of caring responses.  It is also a time…