I get it . . .
I wish that communicating and expressing ourselves in relationships were easier. However, every time I see that things are difficult, I see it as an invitation grow in a different direction.
I know this sounds like a cliché, but stop and take a minute to ask yourself, “What do I want?”
I want my marriage to be emotionally safe; I want openness & honesty; and I want to feel seen and heard. I want my coaching and therapy practice Imago Providence to be recognized as one of the places where couples and individuals come to learn A New Way to Love and to gain the relationship skills they need to attract a healthier mate and create sustaining and lasting love.
We all have dreams, but here’s the deal: To get there we MUST stop blaming others and outside situations and get clear about what we want.
Brene Brown says that blame damages the roots from which love grows,
meaning, we have to look at our own reactions & behavior and acknowledge the contribution we make to the loss of a relationship. Otherwise we cannot fully heal.
Intimacy and connection are possible when we are not wrapped up in defending and blaming others.
My 3-Part Video Series “Clearing the Space” helps you to begin the process of learning how to effectively communicate and free up any energy you may be holding onto from past relationships.
This might sound RADICAL. The beliefs you have about yourself and others are directly connected to expectations and dreams you have for a relationship.
Think about that for a minute.
P.S. If you haven’t watched the videos yet, visit https://paulasmith-imago.com/clearingthespace-video/
If you have been watching the series, I have a follow up message for you here: https://vimeo.com/87729346