What if only 4 hours of your time stood between you and a more loving, connected relationship?
What if in 4 hours, you could understand what’s really at the bottom of the problems you’re having with your partner?
And what if, in those same 4 hours, you learned how to dissolve those issues in ways you’d never considered before – with a technique that actually worked?
That can seem like an impossible feat, especially when you’ve tried just about everything to fix your relationship.
It can seem insurmountable when your partner won’t sleep in the same bed with you, when divorce or breakup is threatened, or when the only thing keeping you together is the kids.
But a relationship doesn’t have to be at a breaking point to be in distress. Some relationships simmer quietly in trouble: you might be experiencing a constant, nagging dissatisfaction with your partner. Or the opposite – you sense that he or she is slowly drifting away from you.
These Aren’t Skills We Necessarily Learned Growing Up
Many of us don’t have the kind of relationship skills that are needed to keep a relationship going strong past the initial wave of infatuation.
That’s because no one taught us these skills, and most of what we know, we learned in childhood.
We observed how our parents or caregivers got along, and many times what we witnessed childhood wasn’t ideal. We didn’t witness how they moved through conflict.
I am not blaming parents, but many of us didn’t have great role models for how a loving, kind relationship functions.
We may think that relationships end because of one big crisis. But most relationships end because of a series of smaller events that escalate over time.
We choose to overlook the things that annoy us, and then we blow up when things reach a boiling point. We say things to hurt our partner, and they, in turn, hurt us back.
We never get those money/sex/parenting issues handled right and it destroys our trust for our partner and relationship in general.
We start to see only the things that are wrong with our partner, instead of appreciating what’s good.
We complain to ourselves, to our friends, family, co-workers and to our partners.
And in the meanwhile, our relationship becomes less and less connected, peaceful and happy.
How Do We Put Our Relationship on a Different Track?
What causes love to wither and die?
The answer: Being completely unprepared for what it takes to go from falling in love to staying in love.
You can feel happily in love with your partner for a lifetime, but you need the right skills to do it.
If you don’t learn and practice these skills, the positive feelings between you and your partner will take a dive—and slowly chip away at your connection. Your relationship will feel like a constant struggle rather than a joint adventure.
No matter how unhappy, resentful, or hopeless you feel right now about your relationship, you can still get back the connection you used to have in the beginning, when everything felt easy, light-hearted, exciting.
How Do I Know?
After working exclusively with couple for fifteen years I have identified certain core causes that are at the root of the majority of problems couples experience.
Whether it’s emotional distance, control issues, money squabbles, lack of intimacy, arguments over chores, parenting dilemmas, family dramas, communication – whatever you’re unhappy about can be traced to only a handful of core causes.
Once you uncover and dismantle these core causes, you pave the way for real change in your relationship.
That’s why I only ask for 4 hours of your time.
We created this intense, cut-to-the-chase program because I know that couples don’t need to read hundreds of self-help books, spend years in therapy, or try a dozen techniques to fix their relationship.
None of this will help if you don’t take the most essential step – identifying the core issues that are causing you to disconnect every time you try to have a conversation.
The Imago 4-Hour Program gets you out of the fruitless habit of blowing up and arguing so you can get to the root of the underlying pain and step into the expansive future awaiting you.
The cost for this program is $450. Click here to make the 50% deposit. As soon as your deposit is received, I will contact you to schedule your session. The balance will be due (2) days prior to your session. I’m looking forward to working with you.
Warm regards,
Paula M. Smith
P.S. Arguing and fighting and hurting each other over and over is stressful and draining for your body, your mind, your children, your ability to be productive at work and your life. It can put a huge damper on your relationship and your purpose – holding you back from the love and happiness you’re meant to enjoy.