Impeach! Our Relationship is Over!

Although Impeach is “a legal term used by the legislative body to level charges against a government official,” the heart of this word speaks to a decision many of us have faced when our relationships are on the brink of ending—whether or not to Impeach our partner … Impeach our relationship.   I have always…

Calling All Adults! Calling All Adults!

This conversation is about tweaking our own perspectives. It is a conversation about who we are, and who we have been: crouching and playing small. We are not dwelling in the fullness of our own deeper self—our magnificent, amazing, essential self. We don’t take enough responsibility as mothers, as fathers … we don’t take enough responsibility…

The Relationship Pain Cave: PRIDE

Pride is a problem. I’m talking about the kind of Pride that keeps us from being honest with ourselves and others, because as adults we don’t want to admit we don’t know. I’m talking about the kind of Pride that we no longer allow ourselves to be influenced by our spouse or other significant relationships.  I’m…